

Top 10 Adsense-friendly Themes

Best WordPress theme for Adsense – Friendly templates

As we know the first impression is the last. So, the front-end of your site represents how well structured and managed the website is. Are you curious, what is the best WordPress theme for Adsense approval? In the context of Google Adsense, it only approves those site which has lightweight, fast loading and clear user-interface. So, using a better WordPress theme can boost up your approval.

If you got any issues, here’s the tomato discussion about the Best WordPress theme for fast Adsense approval

You will be knowing the best WordPress themes for fast AdSense approval.

What kinda theme includes the best WordPress theme for AdSense?


Those themes are easy and fast to load contain very fewer lines of codes of Javascript and CSS, easy to scrape, statically behaving themes/websites.

Now, what are statically behaving themes?

Themes which content doesn’t change once it is loaded is a static theme or statically behaving themes. These kinda themes are easy to scrape and get ranked in search engines fast.

Adsense friendly WordPress themes categories

  1. GeneratePress WordPress themes

  2. Astra WordPress themes

  3. Neve WordPress themes

  4. Schema WordPress themes

Visit this to know more about these themes.

Best WordPress themes for Adsense approval

  • SEO Writers Blogily – (Recommended)

  • My notes

  • Blog grid – (Highly recommended)

  • Cenote

  • Write and Read – (Similar to Blogrid)

  • Writers Blog – (Similar to SEO Writers Blog)

SEO Writers Blogily – (Recommended)

SEO Writers Blogily is an SEO-friendly and responsive theme designed for blogging, newspapers, or journalist writing purposes. This theme is tidy and well-written so your website will be clean and load fast with great page speed.

This setup for the theme is too simple but has a lot of features for affiliate marketing. Lots of advertisement space is given for affiliate programs such as Google AdSense – of course, this kind of website needs an SEO optimized, creative & modern theme which SEO Writers Blog is.

This theme is simple, easy to use, takes few resources, loads way faster than others, that’s why it comes in the list of AdSense-friendly WordPress themes.

I recommend you to accept this theme as your “WordPress template for Adsense approval.”

My note

MyNote - WordPress theme coding and programmingWordPress theme for coding and programming – MyNote

My note is really a responsive, clean, SEO-friendly WordPress blog theme. It really fits perfectly for programming, business, technical, professional, niche, and any kind of blogging site.

It is written based on Bootstrap 4 and Fontawesome 5. My note has landing-page templates so that you can highly customize the homepage, make the blog looks unique, professional, and user-friendly.

This theme is simple, easy to use, takes few resources, and loads faster. So, MyNote can be your next Adsense approval theme.

Blog grid (Highly Recommended)

Blogrid - WordPress theme coding and programmingWordPress theme for coding and programming – Blog grid

Blog grid is a well-ordered, neat, and clean creative blog theme for coding bloggers. The theme is responsive, it is fully compatible with mobile phones, desktop computers, and tablets (e.g.: iPads).

This WordPress theme is featured with a minimal and simple multi-purpose design. The readability of this theme is optimized through great typography. You can post your news about your personal life, programming or coding, food, entertainment, gaming, or anything else.

This theme is optimized well for SEO. Blog grid is more optimized for search engines than My note.

This theme is search engine optimized, simple, and loads a bit faster.

These are the best and free Adsense WordPress themes, that you can use to get AdSense approval fast.


Cenote - WordPress theme coding and programmingWordPress themes for a programming blog – Cenote

Cenote is a gorgeously designed clean WordPress blog theme. Easy to set up and has a nice set of features that make your blog attractive and eye-catchy.

It fits for personal, coding, fashion, food, travel, business, professional, niche, and any kind of blogging site.

This theme is simple, easy to use, takes few resources, loads faster. I recommend it to check it once. Perhaps it could be your next Adsense approval theme.

Write and Read – (Similar to Blogrid)

WordPress coding themes for blogging – Write and Read

It is similar to Blogrid, no explanation is needed.

This theme is search engine optimized, simple looks like a coding theme, and loads a bit faster.

Writers Blog – (Similar to SEO Writers Blog)

WordPress coding themes for blogging – Writers Blogily – (Similar to SEO Writers Blog)

Writers Blog behaves friendly with SEO and is a responsive theme specially for blogging, newspapers, or journalist writing. The code is tidy and well-written so your website will be quick and load fast with great page speed.

This theme is simple, easy to use, takes few resources, loads way faster than others, suits perfectly for the coding theme, and deals perfectly with Adsense codes.

These are the six Best WordPress themes for Adsense approval for turning your article into an Adsense earning machine...

I hope this will helped you,

HAPPY Blogging


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