Best WordPress theme for Adsense – Friendly templates
As we know the first impression is the last. So, the front-end of your site represents how well structured and managed the website is. Are you curious, what is the best WordPress theme for Adsense approval? In the context of Google Adsense, it only approves those site which has lightweight, fast loading and clear user-interface. So, using a better WordPress theme can boost up your approval.
If you got any issues, here’s the tomato discussion about the Best WordPress theme for fast Adsense approval
You will be knowing the best WordPress themes for fast AdSense approval.
What kinda theme includes the best WordPress theme for AdSense?
Those themes are easy and fast to load contain very fewer lines of codes of Javascript and CSS, easy to scrape, statically behaving themes/websites.
Now, what are statically behaving themes?
Themes which content doesn’t change once it is loaded is a static theme or statically behaving themes. These kinda themes are easy to scrape and get ranked in search engines fast.
Adsense friendly WordPress themes categories
GeneratePress WordPress themes
Astra WordPress themes
Neve WordPress themes
Schema WordPress themes
Visit this to know more about these themes.
GeneratePress WordPress themes
Astra WordPress themes
Neve WordPress themes
Schema WordPress themes
Best WordPress themes for Adsense approval
SEO Writers Blogily – (Recommended)
My notes
Blog grid – (Highly recommended)
Write and Read – (Similar to Blogrid)
Writers Blog – (Similar to SEO Writers Blog)
SEO Writers Blogily – (Recommended)
My notes
Blog grid – (Highly recommended)
Write and Read – (Similar to Blogrid)
Writers Blog – (Similar to SEO Writers Blog)